


What lies in the liminal space between worlds?

Curating spaces for wanderers to meet betwixt one way of being and another.

Events, facilitation and storytelling to explore transitions, to foster imaginative practices and to build our capacity and curiosity for the unknown.

“I hold a beast, an angel and a madman in me.”

- Dylan Thomas

“We must explore our myths with an awareness of cycles, paradoxes or opposites, as well as the unconscious…”

- Kathie Carlson

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

As humans, we constantly shapeshift and transmogrify as a natural part of our journey through the world.

The old myths are full of surprising transformations, magical shapeshifting and wyrd, wiggly journeys. The old myths are never linear, always cyclical.

And this wiggly oddness is never comfortable. Transitions are often fraught with difficulty, confusion and anxiety. This is all part of our shapeshifting nature as humans.

At Betwixt and Between, we honour this troublesome time, this messy middle with all its murk and magic. We offer spaces to slow down and ask “What if…?”

What if the betwixt and between is a space in which we could learn about ourselves and our wildest, deepest desires?

What if we could locate ourselves in the bogs and brambles of our most ancient stories?

What if we learnt to fully express our longing to the world?

And what if the world spoke back?

Join the growing community of Betwixt and Between, and stay up to date with events and offerings…